closing walls
225,882. If I’m lucky - I have 225,882 hours left to live freely.
This morning my official age hit twenty-seven. A mixture of fortunate familial genes, healthy choices and a supportive job breeds optimism. Kicking around till eighty-five seems attainable - that’s 509,918 hours left. Dope.
Nonetheless - not all of those hours are free. Life comes with necessary fixed costs.
Despite previous attempts of defiance, sleep feels more necessary each season. Seven hours per night now feels commonplace and appreciated. Over the course of a lifetime, that’s a necessary 150,196 hours well spent. and brings the magnificent total down to a smaller 359,722.
Don’t forget - an occupation requires its own time. I’m joyous for the passion I can bring to my work - and yearn to prioritize this feeling throughout my career. This passion comes with a trade off. Potentially more time spent working if it’s in a field that energizes your mind and spirit. No problem. Sign me up. Every time. Reckon this will take an additional 133,840 hours.
What’s left? 225,882 hours of undefined time. 9,411 days left for exploration. 25.7 years left to leave an impact beyond a mattress and a job title.
Is there a way to rationalize this number? My time left is old enough to rent a car sans extra insurance. Could grab a few beers after the ride as well. Though too young to run for most federal offices. And probably not enough time to own a house outright.
Succinctly though - 25.7 years is younger than me. I have lived that lifetime. I have empathy for how quickly that time will pass.
There’s time left to do many things but there’s not enough time left to do everything. it’s good to realize the walls are closing in from afar before feeling them against my shoulder.
So what’s important? Where do I want to prioritize?
Family. Both traditional and fluid. Being around individuals where self-expression and personal authenticity come organically. Being part of communities invested in growing with each other and in support of one another. These moments with loved ones brings air into my lungs.
Expanding my own limits. Understanding my own ceilings and then committing whats needed to raise the roof. Across all personal passions: running, taking photos, writing my own words and those unmentioned or yet to be discovered. Breaking down the emotional, mental and physical barriers to reach unprecedented heights deepens my excitement for life.
Hearing and telling stories. The world will always be bigger than my world. And the world will always know more than a single person. Being able to listen, learn and communicate with others and their journeys is a powerful opportunity we’re given. Maximizing this opportunity brightens my heart.
Leaving things better than found. Our own timelines are finite. But the timelines of our impact will live well beyond an end date. Understanding how I can carry the bag forward within my families, passions and the stories I hear. That’s important to me.
time to crush.